About us
Established in July 2018, the Skink Specialist Group (SSG) is part of the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The SSG is a global network of biologists and wildlife managers that are actively involved in research and conservation-related activities on the world’s ~1,730 skink species (Family Scincidae). The SSG Chairperson is Associate Professor David Chapple (Australia) and the Red List Authority is A/Prof Shai Meiri (Israel).
The SSG maintains a broad and diverse membership to enable it to achieve these goals.
Members are generally biologists or conservation managers that are actively involved in skink research and/or conservation.
Tiliqua rugosa Photo: Mike Gardner
If you are interested in becoming a member of the SSG, contact the Chair outlining your current skink research and/or conservation-related activities.
Tiliqua rugosa Photo: Mike Gardner
The SSG currently has ~160 members from around the world!
The core roles and aims of the SSG are to:
1. Complete Red List assessments for all described skink species to identify species with high extinction risk;
2. Co-ordinate conservation management for threatened skink species worldwide;
3. Foster collaborative research on skinks, including studies of the factors influencing their extinction risk;
4. Promote research on Threatened and Data Deficient skink species;
5. Initiate and facilitate communication and collaboration among skink researchers and conservation managers worldwide.

Photo: Laurent Chirio

Photo: T. Ziegler

Photo: Aurelien Miralles

Photo: Laurent Chirio

Photo: Aurelien Miralles

Photo: Aurelien Miralles

Photo: Mike Craig

Photo: Aurelien Miralles