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3. Chapple DG, Slavenko A, Tingley R, Farquhar JE, Camaiti M, Roll U, Meiri S (2023) Built for success: distribution, morphology, ecology and life history of the world's skinks. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10791. PDF.

2. Slavenko A, Allison A, Austin CC, Bauer AM, Brown R, Fisher RN, Ineich I, Iova B, Karin BR, Kraus F, O’Shea M, Mecke S, Meiri S, Morrison C, Oliver P, Richmond JQ, Shea GM, Tallowin OJS, Chapple DG (2023) Skinks of Oceania, New Guinea, and Eastern Wallacea: an underexplored biodiversity hotspot. Pacific Conservation Biology. PDF.

1. Chapple DG, Roll U, Böhm M, Aguilar R, Amey AP, Austin CC, Baling M, Barley AJ, Bates MF, Bauer AM, Blackburn DG, Bowles P, Brown RM, Candramouli SR, Chirio L, Cogger H, Colli GR, Conradie W, Couper PJ, Cowan MA, Craig MD, Das I, Datta-Roy A, Dickman CR, Ellis RJ, Fenner AL, Ford S, Ganesh SR, Gardner MG, Geissler P, Gillespie GR, Glaw F, Greenlees MJ, Griffith OW, Grismer LL, Haines ML, Harris DJ, Hedges SB, Hitchmough RA, Hoskin CJ, Hutchinson MN, Ineich I, Janssen J, Johnston GR, Karin BR, Keogh JS, Kraus F, LeBreton M, Lymberakis P, Masroor R, McDonald PJ, Mecke S, Melville J, Melzer S, Michael DR, Miralles A, Mitchell NJ, Nelson NJ, Nguyen TQ, Nogueira CDC, Ota H, Pafilis P, Pauwels OSG, Perera A, Pincheira-Donoso D, Reed RN, Ribeiro-Junior MA, Riley JL, Rocha S, Rutherford PL, Sadlier RA, Shacham B, Shea GM, Shine R, Slavenko A, Stow A, Sumner J, Tallowin OJS, Teale R, Torres-Carvajal O, Trape JF, Uetz P, Ukuwela KDB, Valentine L, Van Dyke JU, van Winkel D, Vasconcelos R, Vences M, Wagner P, Wapstra E, While GM, Whiting MJ, Whittington CM, Wilson S, Ziegler T, Tingley R, Meiri S (2021) Conservation status of the world’s skinks (Scincidae): taxonomic and geographic patterns in extinction risk. Biological Conservation 257: 109101, 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109101. PDF.

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